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Copyright and licensing

Whatever you are performing, the chances are there will be a copyright owner involved.

Copyright myths

  • There's no copyright if it's old material.
    This is not true. Copyright lasts for 70 years, starting from the death of the last surviving author. 
  • Classical music recordings don't have copyright on them. 
    This is not true. Recordings remain in copyright 50 years from the date of release, so a 1980s' recording of Tchaikovsky is still in copyright, even though the music performed is not. 
  • If it's educational, there is no copyright.
    This is not true. For public shows - whether educational or not - copyright still has to be observed. 
  • Using less than 30 seconds of material means you don't have to pay.
    This is not true. This is a misunderstanding of an American legal idea that doesn't apply in the UK.

Copyright owners

A copyright owner might be: 

  • the author and publisher of a play you are performing 
  • the translator of a play 
  • the composer and lyricist of songs or music you perform or play as recordings 
  • the arranger or orchestrator 
  • the creator of any artwork you use in your publicity - or even in your set 
  • the company that owns recordings of music you play (the recording can still be in copyright even if the composer died a long time ago) 
  • the owner of the source for an adaptation you do yourself.

If you use a copyright owner's material in your event, you will need to have their permission.

Seeking copyright permission

There are 2 ways you can solve copyright issues, and you might need to use either or both.

  1. For plays or musicals, you can usually apply to a publisher, such as Conchord Theatricals for a licence to perform the show. You then don't need any further permissions. 

  2. For music that you either perform live or where you play recordings as part of your show, you will need to complete a PRS/PPL return. The company PRS PPL manages the payment of royalties to record companies, composers, performers etc. 

If you want to take video or other recordings, you will need special permission direct from the copyright owners of any material you want to record. 

If you have a licence from the publisher, you can deal directly with them and share with us a copy of the licence. 

Copyright owners can withhold permission. You should ideally check that the work you want to perform is available to licence before committing to this contract. 


In certain circumstances, musical works and catalogues are not controlled by PPL or PRS for music and are, therefore, not licensable by PPL PRS. 

These include: 

  • the use of works from the musical 'Grease', written by Jacobs and Casey, when used on a live stage (this includes, but is not limited to, the use in theatrical presentations, concerts and in pantomime) 
  • the use of works from the Disney catalogue, in theatrical presentations or pantomime
  • "Grand Rights".

Please note: Exclusions may be subject to additions and/or change. PPL PRS cannot guarantee that permission to use musical works and catalogues that are not controlled by PPL or PRS will be granted. 

For more information on music licensing for theatres, email livemusic@pplprs.co.uk . 

Production settlement

Before your event can be settled, you will need to complete the declaration form below, declaring the number of admissions, ticket income and a complete list of any music played or performed at the event - even if you used no music at all. 

Complete the PRS/PPL and event results declaration form

We will charge you a percentage of your gross box office (including tickets you sell yourself) to cover your dues to the PRS. If you do not supply us with the total revenue from tickets you sell yourself, we will estimate the amount based on all tickets sold at full price. If your event is non-ticketed or free entry, this will be a percentage of the total hire fee instead. There are also minimum PRS fees on our venue ratecards.

Promotional banner licence

For the hanging of any publicity on a roadside in Hillingdon, you must first get permission from the council, ensuring the venue name is included in your application. 

Request permission to place a banner next to the roadside

If you have questions or would like to check availability for putting on a show, email artsvenues@hillingdon.gov.uk.

Insurance and safety

Theatre has a lot of potential safety risks. Moving large items of set, strenuous physical activity and constant changes of light levels make it important for performers and organisers to remain calm and focused.
Read more (Go to Insurance and safety)

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