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Working with children and animals

If children aged 16 or under are performing at your event, you will have responsibilities for their welfare, safety and supervision.

Your responsibilities

You are responsible for: 

  • checking whether child performance licences are required 
  • obtaining any licences required in plenty of time and giving copies to us 
  • providing correct, legal adult supervision for all children in your event - whether performing or doing any other tasks 
  • where registered chaperones have to be used, provide us with evidence of their registration.

When is a licence needed for each child? 

A child's performance licence will be required for each child under the age of 17 who will be performing, unless: 

  • the child has performed on 4 days or fewer in a 6-month period (including your event) 
  • the event is being put on by a registered, full-time education establishment (this does not apply to part-time dance or drama schools).

If neither of these exceptions apply, you will need to approach the local authority where each child lives to apply for a performance licence. You will need to do this early, as there will be processing time.

Please note: This contract allows us to cancel your performance and charge you for the rental if you don't licence your child performers correctly. 

What supervision is required for children? 

Regardless of whether a licence is required, all children must be supervised appropriately at all times. 

There should be a minimum of 1 responsible adult for every 10 children. In addition, there must be 1 adult supervising for every room children are in. 

If any of your child performers are to be licensed, there is a legal obligation that their supervising adults are licensed chaperones (somebody who is licensed with a local authority to undertake this role). 

In addition: 

  • all responsible adults - whether licensed chaperones or not - need to have enhanced DBS checks, and you must be able to confirm that you have seen the original 
  • we will need to see evidence that chaperones are registered with a local authority
  • children must be supervised at all times by responsible adults - this includes between performances, if there are more than 1 in 1 day, and during all your rehearsals on site. Responsible adults must arrive on site before, or with, the children they are supervising.

Changing room arrangements 

It is illegal for children under 17 to be placed in the same dressing room as adults - even of the same sex - or for them to undress and change into costume in public areas. Therefore, it is often a good idea to book additional dressing rooms where required. 

Animals on stage 

For information about the requirements for animals involved in performances, please see the council's animal licences web pages.

If you have questions or would like to check availability for putting on a show, email artsvenues@hillingdon.gov.uk.

Copyright and licensing

Whatever you are performing, the chances are there will be a copyright owner involved.
Read more (Go to Copyright and licensing)

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