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Repair and Reuse Day

Saturday 23 March
Start Time 10AM to
Price Free
The Great Barn

Learn how to fix your bike, textiles and electricals, plus meet our recycling team, at this free community event.

Image representing Repair and Reuse Day

You can also drop off unwanted textiles, small electricals and bicycles that are beyond repair and we will recycle them. 

Refreshments and children's activities will be available too. 

Reduce. Reuse. Repair. Recycle. Repeat.


Our textiles partner, TRAID, will be collecting textiles and small electricals on the day for anyone wanting to recycle these items.

They will also be holding a free community workshop where you can learn how to mend your damaged clothes.

Book onto the Hillingdon Clothes Repair Workshop

Friends of the Earth

Bring along 1 small broken (or slow) electrical item and Friends of the Earth will try to help you fix them for free.

Book onto the Repair/Restart Party

Dr Bike

Get a free basic bike repair. We will check your bike, give you advice, make minor adjustments and fit some basic replacement parts if we have them.

There's no need to book; just come along on the day. 

While your bike is being fixed, why not have a go on the smoothie bike to make your own smoothie?


Recycle-A-Bike, Uxbridge, is a not-for-profit company that supports people suffering with mental health illnesses get back into employment.

They re-use, up-cycle, build, service and fully refurbish bicycles. They also sell a variety of new and refurbished bikes.

Come and speak to the team on the day about the services they offer at their venue in Uxbridge or visit their website for more information.  

Hillingdon Libraries

Hillingdon Libraries will offer a STEM activity for children, using recycled materials.  

Museums and Heritage

Our Museums and Heritage team will also provide exciting sustainability-themed activities for children.


Freegle will also be there on the day, raising awareness of their site, which (they describe) is 'like online dating but with stuff!'

Freegle helps people give and get things for free in their local community, matching people who have stuff they don't want any more with people who like things they don't have.

Recycling team

Our recycling team will be on hand to answer any recycling questions you may have and provide information on how to recycle in the borough.

There's no need to book; just come along on the day. 

The Great Barn

Manor Farm

Bury Street / Eastcote Road



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