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Pride Hub Hillingdon

Saturday 29 March
Start Time 10AM to
Harefield Library

Pride Hub Hillingdon is a safe space that offers free face-to-face sessions to talk about everything and anything related to the LGBTQ+ Community.

Image representing Pride Hub Hillingdon

It also provides resources, advice and signposting to relevant services across Hillingdon and surrounding London areas.

Open to anyone over 16 from the LGBTQ+ Community and their family, friends and caregivers

Booking information

Face-to-face sessions will take place between 10am and 1pm on a first-come, first-served basis, with an opportunity for walk-ins between 2pm and 3pm (subject to availability). Timings may change depending on the number of referrals received.

To book a session, complete a  referral form (Word doc, 162 KB) (opens new window) and  consent form (Word doc, 1 MB) (opens new window) and email them to pridehubhillingdon@gmail.com.

Please note: Telephone referrals will not be accepted.

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