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Assembly for people with disabilities and their carers

Tuesday 25 March
Start Time 11.30AM to
Price Free
Civic Centre

An opportunity for people with disabilities who live and/or work in Hillingdon and their carers to access information and have their say on how services are provided in the borough.

Image representing Assembly for people with disabilities and their carers

You can book by clicking on the book now button above or by calling us on 01895 277038 to secure your place. If you require transport, please let us know. Two minibuses, covering the North and South of the borough, will be available. There is parking on site.

The assembly will take place in Committee Room 6, Civic Centre, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW.


The agenda will be posted closer to the date of the assembly.

Assembly for People with Disabilities Steering Group

If you are interested in being part of our Assembly for People with Disabilities Steering Group, who help to plan and deliver the meetings, please contact our customer engagement team by emailing customerengagement@hillingdon.gov.uk or call 01895 277038.

Other times on Tuesday 25 March

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