Family Book Bunch at Yeading Library
Reading for pleasure is proven to be a significant factor in a child's attainment, and is becoming an increasingly important part of the curriculum. Building on research from the reading agency, Book Bunch develops a love of reading in children.
Join us for reading and writing based activities and games that are aimed at increasing your child's enjoyment of books and reading.
Open to 5 to 7-year-olds with a parent/carer
Parents must remain with their children at all times and are encouraged to join in and support their child's engagement with the activities and games
Please note:
- Sessions are available to book until Thursday 14 December.
- Booking for these sessions is essential. When booking, you are booking for sessions for the whole term.
- If you have older or younger children who would need to come with you, please speak with a member of staff who will discuss arrangements.
Other times on Saturday 17 May
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